Acne and Scarring

Anti-Clogging, Acne and Very Oily Skin Treatment

(Clogging, Oily, Unbalanced Skin)

Dead skin cells are eliminated, impurities and blackheads are removed, oil production is balanced, and skin cell renewal is stimulated. This treatment helps to prevent breakouts and has
an excellent healing effect with antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Skin is soothed due to the anti-inflammatory qualities which also work to balance collagen production and restore vein walls and elasticity. Pores are tightened and small wrinkles disappear resulting in a youthful, smooth, and clear complexion.


High Frequency Treatment Acne/Clogged Skin 1hr

Our High Frequency Treatment is used to help eliminate and prevent acne, shrink enlarged pores and to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also kick-starts the skins natural rejuvenation process. The oxygenating power of the electrical current has been proven to enhance blood circulation, increase collagen and elastin production, eliminate toxins and acne-causing bacteria, encourage lymphatic drainage, exfoliate dead skin cells and improve skin care. The application of high frequency current also promotes a cleansing antibacterial action that help prevent the onset of acne. The skin is left feeling instantly energised, rosy, firm, refreshed and noticeably softer - even after just one treatment.


Mini Micro Dermabrasion 45 min

Purely focusing on safely peeling your skin back our 45 min treatment specifically treats Acne scarring, clogged pores, sun damage and mature skin.


Micro Dermabrasion - Skin Peeling 1hr

Micro Dermabrasion is designed to gently sand blast away fine lines, pigmentation, stretch marks, clogged pores, and scarring. By removing or breaking up the outer layer using Micro Dermabrasion, the body is forced to replace the aged or damaged skin cells with new, healthy, and rejuvenated cells that look and feel smoother and younger. Fine lines, blemishes and scarring are reduced. This manual action of dermabrasion against the skin also increases the natural
production of collagen and elastin resulting in a firmer, fresher face.


Rebalancing 1 hr

(Restores and Rebalances Skin Tone)

This facial stimulates cellular renewal and eliminates dead skin cells as well as hydrating and regulating the skins PH balance, giving a brighter, more even complexion. Camphor Synergy is
used to massage and regulate the surplus of sebum, detoxifies, minimises pores and oxygenates the skin.

Our Treatments

Expecting Mum’s

If you are expecting, chances are you have done your research and know what is good for you and your baby, and what is not. When it...

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Compromised Skin

Sensitivity and Rosacea is a disorder of the skin characterized by redness, flushing and inflammation of the skin. Often...

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Anti-Ageing and Menopausal

Helps to improve the skin’s tone, suppleness and elasticity formulated especially for menopausal skin. Stimulating...

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Hydration+ and Facial Cupping

Our faces are exposed to external aggressors on a daily basis. Pollution, sun, and temperature changes damage...

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Acne and Scarring

Dead skin cells are eliminated, impurities and blackheads are removed, oil production is balanced, and skin...

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Skin Renewal

With a unique blend of botanicals, this Peel is bursting with the extra goodness of antioxidants and vitamins that...

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Lisa Schmelzkopf 🧪

Lisa has spent over 2 decades as one of the worlds leading skin therapists. She's earned a reputation for professionalism, skill and unwavering determination & passion to supply only the very best, safest and most advanced products and services.

Lisa continues to assist in establishing clinics, training and mentoring businesses and staff in the areas of Medical Grade Certified Organic products, non-surgical facial procedures and weight loss.

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