Compromised Skin

Hydraflore Soothe & Strengthen (Rosacea, Eczema, Impaired Barrier)

Sensitivity and Rosacea is a disorder of the skin characterized by redness, flushing and inflammation of the skin. Often accompanied by epidermal inflammation and pustules and/or papules which are often reminiscent of acne to the untrained eye. Pain, discomfort, itching and burning sensations can accompany this inflammation in addition to the visibility of small, widened blood vessels in the top dermal layer.

Our Certified organic Hydraflore facial treatment provides anti-microbial and anti-viral properties, coupled with nutrients often missing from compromised skin, to support healthy skin from the inside out.

Our luxurious facial provides Rosacea sufferers with a natural option utilizing fair trade organic
ingredients which soothe irritation, reduce inflammation, and calm the skin helping to reduce the occurrence of flares ups. Whilst also rehydrating, supporting skin cellular rejuvenation abilities, reduction of overall inflammation and tenderness and providing cellular support to delicate,
vulnerable skin.


Problem Skin (Teenager Only) Facial Treatment 30 min

Our personalised skin treatment targets, acne, clogging and redness. Everyone’s skin requires personalised attention. Dead skin cells are eliminated, impurities and blackheads are removed and skin cell renewal is stimulated. This treatment helps to prevent breakouts and has an excellent healing effect. Skin is soothed due to the anti-inflammatory qualities which also work to balance collagen production, restore vein walls and elasticity. Pores are tightened and small wrinkles disappear resulting in a youthful, smooth and clear complexion.


Sensitivity Skin Facial 1 hr

For Sensitive, Dermatitis, Rosacea, Psoriasis and Delicate skin. Our nurturing treatments help put back the balance to a reactive skin. Containing vitamins A, C,K and B coupled with omega 3 and 6 we are able to help soothe and strengthen, reventing and treating redness, broken capillaries, giving you a plumper, hydrated and repaired skin.

Our Treatments

Expecting Mum’s

If you are expecting, chances are you have done your research and know what is good for you and your baby, and what is not. When it...

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Compromised Skin

Sensitivity and Rosacea is a disorder of the skin characterized by redness, flushing and inflammation of the skin. Often...

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Anti-Ageing and Menopausal

Helps to improve the skin’s tone, suppleness and elasticity formulated especially for menopausal skin. Stimulating...

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Hydration+ and Facial Cupping

Our faces are exposed to external aggressors on a daily basis. Pollution, sun, and temperature changes damage...

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Acne and Scarring

Dead skin cells are eliminated, impurities and blackheads are removed, oil production is balanced, and skin...

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Skin Renewal

With a unique blend of botanicals, this Peel is bursting with the extra goodness of antioxidants and vitamins that...

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Lisa Schmelzkopf 🧪

Lisa has spent over 2 decades as one of the worlds leading skin therapists. She's earned a reputation for professionalism, skill and unwavering determination & passion to supply only the very best, safest and most advanced products and services.

Lisa continues to assist in establishing clinics, training and mentoring businesses and staff in the areas of Medical Grade Certified Organic products, non-surgical facial procedures and weight loss.

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